My Photo
Location: Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa

I hope the stuff I write about will in some little way, be helpful to those reading it. I hope, certainly with this pieces to share a little of those things God has shared with me.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lets go back

Now that I have my "official photographs" on hand, I can go back and show you snippets of our day.

First there was the job of gettting ready. Due to being VERY organised, we girls were in fact free to sit in the sun and relax and let the kids run around ing the garden and have a snack, for about 2 hours before we even had to think about putting on our make up! It was great to have so much time and be so relaxed.

I had been warned that if I was going to be late then I was definately not getting married. Well as it turns out, by the time all four of us were dressed and ready to go, Matthew was still wrestling a pig onto the spit!

Our photographer, the very talented and fantastic, Heather Jackson, from PE, arrived to tell us she had just seen Matthew dressed in shorts and a T shirt, "braaing"! back at the venue, before she came up to us. To see more of heather's work please go to her site at:

Here are a few of her "getting ready" pictures..

Maxi had to be buttoned up!

And the girls got their finishing touches, bows tied and butterflies secured.

It was really like being a princess.

Ashlyn's mother tells me that her dress is a favorite and gets shown off to everyone who will look!

Then we got to pose, a bit, in the garden for some lovely shots.

Getting ready was fun!


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